Convergence Science Non-Clinical PhD
For supervisors
Imperial and ICR academics are invited to submit a joint research proposal for studentships starting in October 2024. Each year we fund several highly competitive PhD Studentships, which provides a fixed annual stipend, a research consumables budget and tuition fees at the home rate for a total of four years. We are unable to support the full cost of international fees; however, offers can be made to overseas students should you secure support for the difference in international fees.
We are looking for proposals suitable for a four-year PhD project aligning to our strategic thematic area: Visualise and localise cancer at microscale
Pushing the boundaries of cancer detection at microscale: early stages of disease and microlesions (incl. marginal residues, dormant lesions and metastases).
The CRUK Convergence Science Centre invites PhD studentship project applications aimed at tackling the tracking and imaging of microscopic tumour lesions using a variety of physical, mathematical or chemical approaches, clinically or preclinically.
This can include any type of medical or surgical imaging, chemical tracking, artificial intelligence-assisted imaging or any technology or methodology applied to the detection and localisation of microscopic cancer sites.
Proposals must:
Supervisors develop and submit PhD research proposals aligning to our thematic area.
The proposals are reviewed by the Training Subcommittee comprising ICR and Imperial academics with convergence science and cancer biology expertise.
Interviews for shortlisted candidates will be held in early February at our bespoke recruitment event designed to showcase convergence research and cross-institutional working.
Successful candidates will commence their PhD
For more information on this opportunity send an email to
Training the next generation of
convergence scientists